A Hybrid Event: In-Person Kampala, Uganda And Online Virtually
Join entrepreneurs, consumer groups, investors, governmental officials, donors, and service providers building a new economy for local, healthy food systems.
More than a networking conference, this convening emphasizes dialogue and sharing peer experiences for action.
Leaders from across sectors will discuss and share knowledge, reflect on strategy, and develop an action plan for creating stronger support services, funding and investment flows, and national and international policies for agroecological entrepreneurs and territorial markets.
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May 24-26, 2022

About the convening
AFSA will host a trailblazing convening to build a shared vision for the growth of African agroecological entrepreneurs and territorial markets, centred on equitable and sustainable development for a healthy and sustainable food system.
The pandemic exposed the weakness of global industrial food systems and markets, but smallholder farmers, agroecological enterprises, and local markets stepped up to meet African consumers’ food and nutrition needs. Building on this successful experience, we can strengthen African-led food economies to support agricultural livelihoods, celebrate African culinary traditions, and nurture ecosystems.
Join us in person in Kampala, Uganda or online to discuss, reflect and develop an action plan to strengthen support services, attract funding and investment, and change policies to advance agroecological entrepreneurs and territorial markets.
The convening will bring together agroecological entrepreneurs, market leaders and vendors, civil society organizations, consumer groups, women’s organizations, service providers (accelerators, incubators, business and technical assistance), donors and investors, public officials, diplomatic missions, academic researchers, and the media.
The Conference starts in...
Our Speakers
Conference Themes
Over three days the conference will focus on
1.Territorial markets
2. Support services for agroecological entrepreneurs
3. Enabling policies
4. Consumers and citizens engagement
The Programme – Virtual
We welcome participants from agroecological enterprises and movements, civil society, the public sector, academic research, media, service providing organisations, and donors and investors, to join our discussions and joint efforts to support agroecological entrepreneurship. The convening should allow to hear about and bring together perspectives from a range of actors from the sphere of agroecological entrepreneurship all over Africa and enable creative and solution-oriented conversations.
The goal of the convening is to build up momentum for change and ensure definite next steps with shared and allocated responsibilities. We’re looking for real commitment to change together.
*Please note that this is a provisional programme only and the sessions might still be subject to change*
Morning EAT
Welcomes, introductions, and networking opportunities
Morning EAT
Keynote speech
Million Belay (Ph.D.), General Coordinator, AFSA
Hear from AFSA’s General Coordinator about the contextual understanding, background, objectives, and anticipated outcomes of the convening.
Morning EAT
Opening statements
High-level government officials (TBC)
Hear from public officials sharing insights and opening the three-day convening.
Morning EAT
Panel discussion
7 people representing small, medium and large African entrepreneurs, public policy, civil society, consumer and territorial markets will participate in the panel (TBC)
Gain different perspectives listening to discussions about the roles of territorial markets, enabling policy environments and citizen’s involvement in advancing agroecological enterprises for healthy local food economies.
Morning EAT
The programme for online participants ends here, while in-person participants will get an introduction to their afternoon programme.
There will be no session for virtual participants while the visits to the markets are taking place.
Evening (17:00-19:00) EAT
Repetition of morning sessions
For those participants whose time zone prevents them from attending the sessions live, we will show recorded versions of the morning plenary session.
Morning EAT
Plenary presentations and discussions
Report back from each of the three field visits on Day 1
Morning & early afternoon
Thematic group discussions
Virtual participants will work in their own breakout groups, choosing which of the four themes above they would like to attend. Rather than developing sub-topics they will be guided by the overall question (see above).
From 15:00 EAT
Agroecological Entrepreneurship Exhibition
There will be livestreaming to virtual participants of a tour to some of the stands at the exhibition and interviewing of the entrepreneur
Evening (17:00-19:00) EAT
Learning from AE entrepreneurs
Volunteer entrepreneurs will join participants in a dialogue. They will share their experiences of the event to date and some of the issues they’re facing. There will also be short films of interviews with other entrepreneurs.
Morning EAT
Putting together the puzzle pieces
Virtual participants will be able to hear the report backs from the group work of the groups meeting physically. One volunteer for each thematic online group will present what the breakaway groups came up with.
Morning EAT
The way forward – defining next steps
As a convening community we’ll reach an agreement on action groups, next steps and allocated responsibilities.
Afternoon EAT
There will be no session for virtual participants.
Evening (17:00-19:00) EAT
Summary of day 3
Participants will hear a summary of what came out of the morning of day 3. Again, volunteer participants from the physical event will take part in discussion with online participants.
The Programme – In person
*Please note that this is a provisional programme only and the sessions might still be subject to change*
All programme times are East Africa time (GMT+3)
East Africa Time (GMT+3)
Welcomes, introductions, and networking opportunities
Keynote speech
Million Belay (Ph.D.), General Coordinator, AFSA
Hear from AFSA’s General Coordinator about the contextual understanding, background, objectives, and anticipated outcomes of the convening.
Multiple opening statements
High-level government officials (TBC)
Hear from public officials sharing insights and opening the three-day convening.
Panel discussion
7 people representing small, medium and large African entrepreneurs, public policy, civil society, consumer and territorial markets will participate in the panel (TBC)
Gain different perspectives listening to discussions about the roles of territorial markets, enabling policy environments and citizen’s involvement in advancing agroecological enterprises for healthy local food economies.
Introduction to field visits
Guiding questions drawn from the thematic areas will lead through the afternoon field visits.
Lunch Break
From 14:00
Field visits
East Africa Time (GMT+3)
Plenary presentations and discussions
Report back from each of the three field visits on Day 1
Morning & early afternoon
Thematic group discussions
Guided by a facilitator, each thematic group will decide on topics for discussion within the given thematic area. This will be an opportunity for participants to advance key topics that they’re passionate about.
From 15:00
Agroecological Entrepreneurship Exhibition
Dive into the world of agroecological enterprises and look at displays of 30 agroecology enterprises. Take the opportunity to engage with the exhibitors and other participants and learn about experiences of successful agroecological entrepreneurs.
East Africa Time (GMT+3)
Putting together the puzzle pieces
Each thematic group rapporteur will give a presentation, summarizing the main conclusions, recommendations and proposed next steps from their group.
The way forward - defining next steps
As a convening community we’ll reach an agreement on action groups, next steps and allocated responsibilities.
Networking and forming action groups
Join our networking reception and keep the conversation going. Action groups can use this platform to have an initial meeting to substantiate their plan to move ahead.